NOTE: For the purpose of this bibliography, I am defining "LEGIONARY COINAGE" as any ancient Roman coin (Imperatorial, Imperial, or Provincial) that makes direct reference to a specific, identifiable Roman legion. These can range from the well known "Legionary Series" of Marcus Antonius or Septimus Severus, to coins of Roman veterans' Colonies which identify by legend or emblem, the legion(s) from which the colonists derived, to countermarks attributable to specific legions.....
by John J. Hartwell
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(Suggestions, additions, corrections are invited.)
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(Preliminary version)
Bastien, Pierre. Monnaie et donativa au Bas-Empire / Pierre Bastien. Numismatique romain, essais, recherches et documents 17 (Wetterin, Belgique, 1988) Brown, Augustus. Legionary Coins (1976)
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Carlson, Carl W. A. Some notes on coin issues commemorating Roman legions. Journal of the Society for American Numismatics vol 3, no. 3 (1971-2)
Christol, Michel. A propos d'une monnaie legionnaire de Gallien à la légende LEG XIIIa GEM VII P VII F, provenant du trésor d'Evreux. Armees et ficalite dans le monde antique (Paris, 1972)
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Hendin, David. Tenth legion countermarks examined. Celator vol 7, no. 5 (May 1993)
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Kunisz, Andrzej. La monnaie et les camps des légionnaires romains le long du bas Danube aux Ier, IIème et IIIème siècles : l'exemple de Novae. Litterae Numismaticae Vindobonenses vok 4 (1992)
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Le Bohec, Y. Coh. XVII Lvgvdvniensis ad monetam. Bulletin de la Societe Francaise Numismatique 51e annee no. 6 (juin 1996)
Kindler, Arie. Two coins of the third legion Cyrenaica struck under Antoninus Pius. Israel Exploration Journal vol 25, no. 23 (1975)
King,Cathy E. The legionary antoniniani of Gallienus from Milan. La zecca di Milano. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio, Milano 9-14 maggio 1983. (Milan, Societa Numismatica Italiana 1984)
Kirkpatrick, C. The legionary coinage of M. Antony. Seaby's Coin & Medal Bulletin #583 (March 1967)
Kondratieff, Eric. Legion X coinage and the Judaean connection. Celator vol 6, no. 3 (March 1992)
Malloy, Alex G. Marc Antony legionary denarii. NI Bulletin vol 19, no. 5 (May 1985)
Mattingly, Harold. The legionary coins of Victorinus. Transactions of the International Numismatic Congress (1936) pp. 214-18
McMullen, John R. The legionary coins of Mark Antony. Coin Collector's Journal NS vol 3 (1936-7)
Miller, David. What price allegiance : the Roman army on coins. Coin & Medal News (Nov 1983)
Okamura, Lawrence. The Flying Columns of Emperor Gallienus: 'Legionary' Coins and their Hoards. Roman Frontier Studies 1989. Proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies. (Exeter, Eng. 1991) [Appendix I tabulates 'Legionary' coins by units and by P(ia) F(idelis) legends; Appendix II catalogues seventy-two hoards found in the western provinces from Britain to Yugoslavia.]
Okamura, Lawrence. Western legions in Baalbek, Lebanon : colonial coins (A. D. 244-247) of the Philippi. Historia Bd. 37, heft 1 (1988)
Oman, C. Coins of Severus and Gallienus commemorating the Roman legions. Numismatic Chronicle (1918), pp. 80-96
Oman, Charles, Sir. The legionary coins of Victorius, Carausius, and Allectus. Numismatic Chronicle (1924), pp. 53-68
Roman, J. De l'organisation militaire de l'empire romain et des médailles légionnaires. (1867)
Rosenberger, Mayer. The coinage of Eastern Palestine and legionary countermarks, Bar-Kochba overstrucks. the author (Jerusalem 1978)
Ruehrmund, Jim. Mark Antony's legionary coinage. The Virginia Numismatist vol 25, no. 5 (Sept 1989)
Selby, Peter. Coins of the legions : Gallienus, Victorinus and Carausius. Coin & Medal News vol 25, no. 6 (June 1988)
Selby, Peter. Coins of the legions : Mark Antony and Septimus Severus. Coin & Medal News vol 25, no. 4 (April 1988)
Shiel, Norman. The Legionary Antoninianus of Allectus. Britannia vol 4 (1973)
Smith, Charles Roach. Legionary coin of Allectus. Numismatic Chronicle vol 5 (1885)
Thiry, Jean-Claude. Deux deniers anonymes des Guerres Civiles de 68-69 A.D. : un type retrouvé et un inédit. Circle d'Etudes Numismatiques. Bulletin vol 29, no. 3 (juittet-sept 1992), vol 29, no. 4 (oct-dec 1992), vol 30, no. 1 (jan-mars 1993)
Vermeeren, Thierry. Le type Legio dans le monnayage de Septime Sévère. (1991)
Ziegler, Ruprecht. Die Legionsmünzen des Kaisers Septimius Severus. (1971)